When it comes time for your initial nursing license application or renewal, you will be asked questions about your criminal history. These questions are not unique to the nursing profession. Many people with professional licenses go through a similar process.
The purpose of these questions is not to determine whether you are a “good” or “bad” person. However, when you’re caring for the public, it’s important that people place a high-level of trust in your profession.
What may seem minor to you may be major to the nursing board
Do you really have to report that moving violation from two years ago? What about that freshman year party where the cops ticketed you for having a beer in your hand? The answer to these and any other similar questions is an absolute “yes!”
It’s the job of The Texas Board of Nursing to determine whether a past offense should impact your license application or renewal. Whether you consider your run in with law enforcement to be a big deal or not doesn’t matter. Report every single offense in your past, even if an arrest never led to criminal charges.
The sin of omission may be greater than the crime
The purpose of a criminal background inquiry is not for the nursing board to act as judge and jury on your past. Primarily, the board is looking for honesty. Of course, the severity of the offense will play some factor in the board’s decision.
You should discuss your case with a skilled legal professional. You can explore your options and get an idea of the impact, if any, a criminal record may have on your nursing license.